Thursday thoughts #2

My thoughts on: Life and Death with Mummyhood at the middle

God pours life into death and death into life without a drop being spilled.  ~Author Unknown

When there is life, there is death; every creature has to deal or struggle with both daily. It’s a never-ending cycle and either  occurs whether you expect it or not… that’s what I notice…

 3 yields 15

Twenty-two days ago, I struggled for hours to bring out my new litter – all five pups.

looking so helplessly cute and fragile at the first few hours of their lives...

Vanilla Bean observes the new litter from a distance...

Last early Sunday morning, a new litter arrived… Cassie had 5 pups in the dark corner of the anything-spare-thing room… I couldn’t stop myself from barking when I saw my overseer transferred the 5 newborns and her at the craft-area upstairs (hmmm….next birthing season, I’ll book that nook for myself…)

so un-Cassie after birthing... Cassie looking lovely again and nursing...

Still last Sunday, Twinkle found Keanna near the garden fence…with her own litter… They prepared a nook for her but she opt to dig, settle down, and bring out her litter in a garden setting…very old-fashioned I say… By mid-morning, my overseer transferred Keanna’s lot at a kitchen corner… Two days later, they decided to transfer her again to a crate at the corner of the garden (the one VB escaped from)… They noticed that Keanna had territorial issues; she grrr-ed at us pets and we couldn’t get inside the house…

Keanna and her litter in various locations...

But the sad part of the story was this… death…

My soul is full of whispered song;
My blindness is my sight;
The shadows that I feared so long
Are all alive with light.
~Alice Cary, Dying Hymn

It turned out that Keanna had six pups… big momma buried the lifeless-pup somewhere outside the fence…

13 thoughts on “Thursday thoughts #2

  1. I’m so sorry that one of the pups didn’t make it. It’s such a heart-wrenching thing to see. But I am glad to hear that so many new babies were born healthy and full of life. Thank goodness for that. 🙂

  2. Beautiful Puppies!!!
    What a joy seeing those little puppies being born and the miracle of life! Losing them is hard and heartbreaking. Life and death, it seems for us they come hand in hand… new life appears just as old life disappears.

    Congrats on your puppies!

    The Collies and Chuck 🙂

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