Mischief at the warf

sulky HersheyHershey was out of sync with the pack. She’s sulky. It seemed like all the fun went out with her pee. (Physically, she’s in good health… but she was forlorn.)


This place smells weird.

Our concerned hu-mom thought Hershey needed a boost, a change of scenery perhaps. So, Overseer brought my red-haired sister to a place that was unfamiliar  — the Tubod Warf. Naturally, I volunteered to accompany this grumpy gal as I know the place.
twarf4She sniffed the air; her nose met the Sea breeze. It playfully tussled her hair, too. Her ears instinctively twitched at the the gushing sound of the waves. It probably sent tranquility vibes to her brain.

She took several deep breaths. After 5 minutes, she began to smile and relax. Obviously, this walk rejuvenated her and brought back her spunky self. Ah, such was the power of Nature.

twarf9While she took note of our surroundings, I was busy nosing around… the joy of walking off-leash rose a notch!
20150117_161341Hey, what was that guy doing? Kenji explained the fisherman had to position the net so he would catch a school of fish in the water.

2015-01-17 16.07.25I got curious. I went for a closer look. The gate was closed but no sign indicated ‘Keep Out’ or ‘Restricted’.
2015-01-17 16.08.18Mischief-mode activated, I crawled my way in… and explored the place that had a strong smell of fish. My nose told me that mostly male folks ages twenty and above came in this area.

Okay, my curious self was satisfied. Panguil Bay looked better in there, a cool place to hang out to refresh one’s spirit. Can you see me smiling?  I would remember this as the best walk of the week. – x0x0x Vanilla Bean ShihPoo


 This post is in response to the Blogging Prompt: Re-springing your step.


Related dog walks:



4 thoughts on “Mischief at the warf

  1. Pingback: Re-Springing Another Six | QWERTYness

  2. Pingback: Poem / Poetry – “Made Whole Again” | toofulltowrite (I've started so I'll finish)

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