Thursday thoughts #3: share the luv (Versatile Blogger Award)

Hi. It’s me Vanilla Bean.

Last January 3, I’ve got an unexpected surprise from the

Collies of the Meadows.

They gave me lots of luv in the form of:

The Collies Choice Award

Also, these lovely Collies


the Chesapeake Bay Retrievers (aka the 2 Brown Dawgs)

gave me

The Versatile Blogger Award.

when in doubt, always go for the left foot

The rules for the Versatile Blogger Award are as follows:
1. Thank the award giver and link back in your post.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass this award along to as many as 15 blogs you enjoy reading and let them know about the award!

I thought hard about the seven things that you still don’t know about me. After reflecting for several days/weeks, I came up with these:

feel my fangs! grrr...

  1. I’m the only one among my litter-mates who meet and occasionally see my dad- Butchok the ShihPoo.
  2. I have a thing for toes since the first month of my life. People wearing sandals and flip-flops with exposed toes are my usual target.
  3. My favorite day is Beef Day (Usually, it falls on Sunday).
  4. I’m a carnivore but I also occasionally enjoy the taste of carrots, potato, cauliflower, and apple slices or wedges.
  5. During dinner, I’m always the last one being served… and with the presence of puppies… I don’t understand why I’m still last on the service list…sigh
  6. When I feel neglected by the humans, I wet and soil the furniture or floor in any room -kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc.- to get attention. (The last time I did this, big momma banned me inside the house for the day.)
  7. Hairy rugs make me uncomfortable… and I always want to mess with them…

I would like to pass the luv (Versatile Blogger Award) on to the following pet blogs which are delightful as well as entertaining and informative to read.  [I could have sniffed more if my silly human hadn’t erased my digital paw-prints…ruff…]

  1. Bassa’s Blog
  2. Benny Wrinklebottom
  3. BongoDogBlog
  4. Chancy the Gardener
  5. Everyday Adventures in Havachon Heaven
  6. Fabulous Flo
  7. From Sophie’s View
  8. Just Ramlin’ Pier
  9. Little Dogs on Long Leashes
  10. The Scottie Chronicles

28 thoughts on “Thursday thoughts #3: share the luv (Versatile Blogger Award)

  1. hi Vanilla Bean,

    congratulations on your awards and thank you for passing on the Versatile to us. as usual, My Typist will put it away till our once-a-year Big Annual Award Post in December!

    have a great weekend 🙂

    p.s. Butchok the shihpoo? what an inspired name! i just read your bios. i think you girls may be the first un-spayed dogs we know.

  2. I’m here…Vanilla Bean…thanks again for your award…you knows what…I gots the very same award as you did from the collies…you is so special to receive this particular award…Collies are the cutest just like you!

  3. Pingback: Welcome New Friends | The Scottie Chronicles

  4. Congratulations sweet Vanilla Bean on your awards. We thank you for thinking of us and passing it on to us. We will post about it soon. Hugs and nose kisses

  5. Congratulations on your awards and thanks for passing the Versatile Blogger on to me. I’m honored. I also enjoyed learning more about you. I wish they had a regular beef day at my house.

  6. Hi VB. I was reading one of the blogs on your list and thought I would come and visit. What an interesting blog you have. So much to write about. I’ll add you to my blogroll and visit back later.


  7. Congratulations on your award Vanilla Bean – it is well deserved! Thank you for passing it on to me 🙂 Now that the tall person has returned from London I will be able to resume posting and will send you a link to a post acknowledging the award. Thank you!! 🙂

  8. Pingback: Tag! I’m It! | The Scottie Chronicles

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