Wordless Wednesday: tickle experiment

He’s back and he looked like he lost a couple of pounds since we saw him 2 weeks ago. Nevertheless, Butchok the ShihPoo is still an adorable gentle dog in his own right… which made him an easy target for mischief science experiment. EJ called it as the dog tickle response. Here’s the video:

what i’m saying is…

Do you speak dog? If so, could you please me what Butchok the ShihPoo is saying… I could only guess what he wants such as:

  • a. ”i want my mama Lin”;
  • b. “i wanna play with Princess”;
  • c. “how ’bout some belly rub, cuddle or tussle…”;
  • d. “got some treats?”;
  • e. “let me in…”
  • f. “sheesh…Cassie is bossy…”

but… then again, I may be lost in translation…

Butchok and the feisty ShihPoos

Butchok: yay, i ain’t working for the rest of the week… my mamma Yen (Madeline) sez Madam Pedelina from London, will be stayin over at Auntie Dem’s house…she sez that da lady is allergic to fur and such… sheesh… i haf no fur, i haf hair… i heard derz lotsa dogs in London but i guess that lady doesn’t belong to my favorite breed –ya know, those dog-people… so as a good and polite dog, i did not argue with mamma Yen cuz i get to hang out with the feisty Poodle-mix gals at Auntie Twinkle’s house for eight hours… eating porkchop or beefsteak or veggies for lunch… romping and flirting with Princess in the garden… marking here and there… getting pats and tussles and treats… modeling a dog vest… heheh… yup… i’m goin to have fun for the rest of the week…